Cure Diabetes Naturally.

Diabetics using stem-cell therapy have been able to stop taking insulin injections for the first time, after their bodies started to produce the hormone naturally again. In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood. The results show that insulin-dependent diabetics can be freed from reliance on needles by an injection of their own stem cells. The therapy could signal a revolution in the treatment of the condition, which affects more than 300,000 Britons. People with type 1 diabetes have to give themselves regular injections to control blood-sugar levels, as their ability to create the hormone naturally is destroyed by an immune disorder. All but two of the volunteers in the trial, details of which are published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), do not need daily insulin injections up to three years after stopping their treatment regimes. The findings were released to reporters yesterday as the future of US stem-cell research was being debated in Washington. Stem cells are immature, unprogrammed cells that have the ability to grow into different kinds of tissue and can be sourced from people of all ages. Previous studies have suggested that stem-cell therapies offer huge potential to treat a variety of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and motor neuron disease. A study by British scientists in November also reported that stem-cell injections could repair organ damage in heart attack victims. But research using the most versatile kind of stem cells - those acquired from human embryos - is currently opposed by powerful critics, including President Bush. The JAMA study provides the first clinical evidence for the efficacy of stem cells in type 1 diabetes. Sufferers of the chronic condition, which normally emerges in childhood or early adulthood, have to inject themselves at least four times a day. Type 2 diabetes, which tends to affect people later in life, is linked to lifestyle factors such as obesity. There are almost two million type 2 diabetics in Briton, most of whom control their blood-sugar levels with pills or through diet. The new study, by a joint team of Brazilian and American scientists, found that one of the first patients to undergo the procedure has not used any supplemental synthetic insulin for three years. "Very encouraging results were obtained in a small number of patients with early-onset disease," the authors, led by Julio Voltarelli, from the University of Sใo Paulo in Ribeirใo Preto, Brazil. write. "Ninety-three per cent of patients achieved different periods of insulin independence and treatment-related toxicity was low, with no mortality." Is it possible to cure diabetes naturally. Doctors says that diabetes can't be cured. The truth is, diabetes can't be cured with conventional medicine. That's because conventional medicine only treats the symptoms of diabetes, not the cause.Can we keep our glucose level normal and treat diabetes naturally and control blood sugar naturally with lifestyle and diabetic diets or is it inevitable that one day we will have to suffer symptoms of type 1 or type 2 diabetes? There is enough evidence to suggest that diabetes symptoms can be greatly alleviated by dietary changes and diabetics could better regulate their blood sugar levels through diet and exercise. Some anti-aging studies done have shown that even insulin-dependent diabetics could get off insulin and find a new way to process the disease with a healthy more natural are several natural cures for diabetes. They are all natural herbs that you can find in specific regions, together with certain vitamins and minerals.While there is drugs that successfully controlling blood sugar level, their side effects would make them undesirable for your body.It is also known with the scientific name of Bitter Gourd Momordica-charantia. Now days, after many successful scientific researches, it has been demonstrated very effective to diabetics. It has high content in insulin, which your body starves when you're diabetic. In this way, it helps you by lowering your sugar blood level. And you can beat your diabetes naturally without side effects. How can you use Bitter melon. It's very simple. You can take bitter melon juice 2 times a day on empty stomach. Or you can cook it as a usual vegetable preparing your daily dishes or salads. Everybody can benefit from cinnamon intake. If you are part of a high-risk population for future diabetes onset, everyday cinnamon intake can help you preventing it. On the other part, if you are diabetic and have type2 diabetes, cinnamon can help you reduce your high blood sugar levels.Even type1 diabetics can benefit from cinnamon intake, reducing their high blood sugar levels. It is true cinnamon doesn't increase the pancreas insulin production, because it doesn't produce it at all. But acting as high blood sugar level reducer, it heps you to naturally beat your diabetes. What you can do is to add cinnamon powder to almost everything you eat everyday. Or you can put a cinnamon stick into hot water, preparing a tasty cinnamon tea and keeping your diabetes under controlAs many other natural cures for diabetes, gymnema sylvestre was commonly used by Ayuverdic Medicine of Indians. This huge experience is taken in consideration in our days to what natural cure can give gymnema sylvestre for diabetes.From scientific proven researches done since 1990, have been concluded that it can help diabetic type1 and 2 people in the hard war of beating the diabetes naturally. I was really surprised when I've first heard about diabetes banaba cure. In fact, I've never heard about this plant.Now I know that it can be known with the names of Banaba herbs, extract, and leaf or with the scientific name of Lagerstroemia speciosa. It is commonly known as "plant-insulin' as well as "botanical-insulin".It has been mostly used in Philippines as a popular medicine to cure diabetes. Meanwhile, in Japan, this banaba tea is quite vogue among the population. On the other hand, the Americans in US are using it as a secure, natural factor even for losing weight too.Researches have shown that the anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C taken with other supplements has a great effect on diabetics, helping them lowering high sugar blood levels. It also helps reducing the risk of atherosclerosis too, that often occurs in diabetics. In this way the onset of heart stroke is easily delayed, and you may be well protected.Since the ancient times, our predecessors, have used garlic and onion among other fresh natural foods. They have used them not only for their taste, but also for the huge benefits they provided.I'll tell you all about the amazing deal you get when you order today but first let me explain that you don't just visit this link for more information : "> cure diabetes naturally