Beware! The 15 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes.

Briefly, I shall explain the main cause for the onset of different types of diabetes diagnosed in our time at this modern age.-Type 1 diabetes is brought about when our pancreas is no longer functioning properly to produce the hormone-insulin which regulates the glucose concentration in our blood by breaking this glucose so that our cells are able to absorb for energy production. Type 1 Diabetes is the most common type of childhood diabetes, which is seen in about 90 percent of the children under 16. Diabetes of this nature is an autoimmune system disorder.-Type 2 diabetes develops when the pancreas can still make some insulin, but not enough(which is known as insulin deficiency) , or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (which is known as insulin resistance ) . This kind is the most common type of diabetes which is usually called adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Insulin deficiency is a condition of malfunctioning of insulin producing cells. Whereas, insulin resistance occurs when there is plenty of insulin made by the pancreas (it is functioning normally and making plenty of insulin) but the cells of the body are resistant to its actions which result in the blood sugar being too high.-Gestational diabetes, sometimes called glucose intolerance pregnancy, affects women who have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy when some women experience temporary high blood sugar levels. It is extremely important for pregnant women to be subjected for checking for gestational diabetes because it can harm the unborn baby and develop into other serious complications due to this abnormal surge in blood sugar concentration.There is one thing in common to the different types of diabetes already mentioned above. It is the signs and symptoms of these diabetes are all related to high glucose levels (hyperglycaemia) , temporarily low glucose levels (hypoglycaemia) , and to complications associated with diabetes which are connected to lipid production, macrovascular (large blood vessel) or microvascular (small blood vessel) damage, and organ damage- for example in kidney (diabetic nephropathy) , nerve(diabetic neuropathy) and eye (diabetic retinopathy) damage and or the slower healing of wounds, cuts and bruises. Unfortunately, these signs and symptoms of diabetes are not always recognizable as being signs of a serious disorder, and are not easy diagnosed. Therefore, it is not surprising that one third of people who have diabetes do not even realize that they have diabetes.The revealed signs and symptoms known of these widespread diabetes-a disease in modern times are listed below:-1) Polydipsia (Unusual thirst) : Due to high blood sugar concentration, a condition which triggers the pulling of fluid from our tissue cells, the feeling of unusual thirst is often of the functions of our kidneys is to get rid of this excessive glucose from our system which tends to pull fluid from the tissues. Thus, it leads to unusual thirst.2) Polyuria (Frequent urination) : In relations to polydipsia or rather the excessive glucose in the blood, one of the functions of our kidneys is to bring down this glucose level by excreting in the urine. Thus, a cycle of feeling unusually thirsty and the act of frequently drinking water leads to polyuria-frequent urination.3) Polyphagia (Excessive hunger) : It is caused due to the lack of energy. Because insulin is required to break down glucose so that our cells are able to absorb it as food for our energy.This failure to move the sugar into the cells causes depletion of energy in the organs and muscles. Hence, there is tendency to feel hungry and crave for food.4) Emaciation (Unusual weight loss) :Because the body looses the ability to store the food, this lacking of energy can cause extreme fatigue when our cells are not getting the needed sugar for energy to bring about the level of activities of our organs and muscles.5) Recurring or frequent infections: Signs of poorer body immune system which manifest itself in recurring or frequent infections.6) Blurred vision: The high blood sugar in the body system gives rise to complications such as distortion of the eye lenses and the damage done on the retina. This development could cause blurred vision and in more serious condition which may lead to blindness.7) Abdominal pain: Abdominal pain could be developed and it is also one of those signs of the disease-diabetes.8) Breathing may become rapid and deep: Because of higher blood acidity when the glucose level gets higher, the body tries to rectify the condition which usually leads to the development in breathing problems.9) Irritability or moody or unusual behavior: Sudden swing of mood to become irritable and moody may be an indication of the disease-diabetes.10) Yeast infection: Women with diabetes may develop vaginal infections more often than other women. In cases for young babies and kids who may be having type 1 diabetes, the sign may likely be manifested in severe diaper rash. This condition can be worsen.Some other symptoms which are frequently indicative of diabetes because of complications include the followings:-11) Lower healing capacity of wounds such as cuts and bruises and leaving behind dark gangrene on the skin after eventual healing.12) Skin inflammatory or diabetes dermatitis can cause itching and other skin infections.13) The feeling of numbness or/and tingling in feet or/and hands because of poor blood circulation when the small blood vessels are blocked.14) Rapid heart rate, sweating, and general weakness or fatigue as well as slowed thinking or slurred speech.15) Nausea and vomiting could be exhibited when the acidity of the blood turned high due to ketoacidosis-being a complication brought by the breakdown of fats into fatty acids.As mentioned earlier, these signs and symptoms are linked to the complications developed by diabetes and thus are indicative of the disease only but not definitive.The signs and symptoms of diabetes are slow to progress in most cases and peripheral neuropathy is one of those symptoms that indicate the progress of disease.It has to be reiterated that it can be difficult to recognize based on diabetes symptoms alone. A person can live with the signs and symptoms of diabetes for years before they realize something is wrong. Therefore, beware of these signs and symptoms so that earlier consultation with your healthcare doctors is always advisable.For more diabetes and other related health wellness issues , it is recommended to visit Health-Wellness Blogsas mentioned in the resource box for more information and guidance.