Diabetes Everything you need to know.

Type 1 Diabetes “My husband and I live with a pin cushion. She’s our only child and that’s how she feels despite her spunky cartwheel legs and strong monkey bar arms. Her friends see a gymnast, a dancer, a kind person who loves animals and other children. I see that too, but… For four years, people didn’t notice the holes, the places in her tender skin where she’d been repeatedly stabbed three to six times a day. Nor did they hear the screams or witness the kicking of legs in a body too young to understand why her parents were hurting her. Insulin injections were keeping my daughter alive. But, as her mother, how could I better nurse her wounds, the mental ones and the ones left by the needles?” (Canfield, Hansen, Hoogwerf 106). Diabetes is a difficult disease to live with, for a child with diabetes and their parents. Physical, emotional, and psychological tolls exist on a daily basis for those living with diabetes. The rate of newly diagnosed patients has increased exponentially over the years, inexplicably by doctors, yet awareness and education has not. It is crucial that in order to work towards a cure for type 1 diabetes, an awareness of the disease, symptoms, treatment, management, complications, and prevention must first be established.  Diabetes exists in two forms—type 1 and type 2. Approximately 95% of people suffering from diabetes have type 2, while only 5% of Americans suffer from type 1. Though type 2, sometimes referred to as adult on-set diabetes, is more prevalent, type 1, otherwise known as “juvenile” diabetes, is often considered the more serious of the two. Type 1 diabetes is most commonly diagnosed in children; however, it is possible to be diagnosed in adulthood. When the body ingests food, the stomach begins to break down its contents into protein, fat, and carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates that further break down into glucose, which the body uses for energy. In a normal, healthy body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin, which helps the cells absorb and use the glucose. The insulin acts as a key to the cell, so that when it is released, it opens the cell allowing glucose to be absorbed. However, when insulin is absent, the cell cannot open and absorb the glucose from the bloodstream. A type 1 diabetic’s pancreas does not function properly—it releases little to none of the hormone, insulin, as it should. Therefore, when glucose enters the bloodstream, it is forced to remain there because insulin is not present to open the cell for absorption. It is key to understand that type 1 diabetes is “considered to be an auto-immune disease because the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are attacked and ‘erroneously’ destroyed by the immune system early on in the disease process, resulting in little to no insulin production in the pancreas” (Renosky 1). Thus, a type 1 diabetic requires insulin therapy to maintain normal blood glucose levels.  Diabetes is an auto-immune disease that scientists believe has to do with genes. Genes are “like instructions for how the body should look and work…but just getting the genes for diabetes isn’t usually enough. In most cases something else has to happen—like getting a virus infection—for a person to get Type 1 Diabetes” (Type 1 Diabetes 2). In other words, diabetes is not considered to be an infectious disease, and it is not like a cold that can be caught from being in contact with someone who suffers from the disease. Unfortunately, doctors still cannot predict who will develop the disease and who will not.  There are many classic symptoms associated with type 1 diabetes that can develop either suddenly or gradually. The most common symptom is frequent urination, followed by increased thirst, weight loss, fatigue, and increased appetite. If anyone experiences these symptoms, especially if there is a family history of diabetes, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Failure to treat these symptoms could result in other health problems such as “stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, and even loss of consciousness. Doctors call this diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA” (Type 1 Diabetes 2).  Currently, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes; however, there are some treatments being explored. The three main treatments being explored are Pancreas transplants, Islet cell transplantation, and Stem cell transplants. Pancreas transplants are quite rare because of the risks associated with them. Upon transplantation, one would need a “lifetime of potent immune-suppressing drugs to prevent organ rejection” (Mayo Clinic 4). In addition to these immune-suppressing drugs, a “high risk of infection and organ injury” exists among those receiving a transplant. Islet cell transplantation “provides new insulin-producing cells from a donor pancreas” (Mayo Clinic 4). Similar to a pancreas transplant, islet cell transplantation requires the use of immune-suppressing drugs, which carry the same risks. The risk of the immune system destroying the transplanted cells is also a risk. Finally, stem cell transplant is another treatment being explored. Stem cell transplantation involves “shutting down the immune system and then building it up again—[which] can be risky” (Mayo Clinic4). All three of these treatments are promising, yet scientists are still working toward finding a more successful and permanent treatment for diabetes. While there is no cure for diabetes, it is important to follow a strict diabetes management plan in order to live a healthy life. Regular blood glucose monitoring and insulin therapy are two important forms of proper diabetes management. Fortunately, technology advancement over time has allowed blood glucose monitoring to very simple. Upon diagnosis, patients receive a blood glucose meter to carry with them at all times for blood glucose testing. This meter allows a diabetic to monitor their blood glucose, or “blood sugar” level, at liberty in order to maintain better diabetes control. A meter only requires a small drop of blood, and readings are available in approximately five seconds. It is important to keep blood sugar levels between 80 and 120 as much as possible. If steady glucose levels are not maintained or diabetes management is neglected over time, serious complications can result such as “seizures, blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, amputations and strokes...” (Juvenile Diabetes 11). Insulin therapy is another key to healthy diabetes management. Regular insulin doses help control blood glucose levels following meals and overnight. There are two main types of insulin: short-acting and long-acting. Short-acting insulin is administered during the day or following meals. It is called short-acting because of the small amount of time needed for the insulin to take effect. This is especially important following meals because, as the body absorbs the glucose from food, blood glucose levels rise quickly. Short-acting insulin combats the swift rise in glucose levels and helps maintain a steady blood glucose reading. The second type of insulin is long-acting insulin. This is administered before going to sleep at night because the insulin slowly acts upon glucose levels. Instead of immediately having an effect on blood glucose levels, the long-acting insulin slowly applies itself keeping glucose levels steady throughout the night. The amount or type of insulin that a diabetic receives varies from person to person—no one person is the same. As a diabetic becomes adjusted to their body and the disease, they will begin to assess their body's need for insulin. Some will require more insulin than others, and this generally happens over time. As a diabetic patient continues to live with the disease, their body will become more and more dependent on synthetic, or manufactured, insulin rather than its own. In addition to blood glucose monitoring and insulin therapy, a healthy diet and active lifestyle are key to proper diabetes management. Living with diabetes can mean making a significant dietary adjustment for a newly diagnosed patient. While fats, proteins, and carbohydrates may have never been considered prior to diagnosis, a type 1 diabetic's diet revolves around them. Careful planning and measuring of food intake to insulin ratio is strenuous and time-consuming, yet essential. It is important for the body to receive all of its essential nutrients while maintaining proper blood glucose levels. This requires careful calculation of carbohydrate, or carb, to insulin ratio. Each diabetic has a standard ratio of insulin per one carb. Fifteen grams of carb is, for general purposes, considered one carb. Based on how many grams of carb are in a meal, the ratio of insulin can then be calculated. It is difficult to imagine doing calculations like this for every meal, but that is the reality of living with diabetes. The final element of proper diabetes management is maintaining an active way of life. A healthy lifestyle allows a person with diabetes to maintain better control over their diabetes. Being active helps lower blood sugar because “muscle contraction, increased blood flow and increased body temperature cause the body to be more responsive or ‘sensitive’ to insulin during and soon after exercise. In addition, when muscles contract, they can take up glucose from the bloodstream independently of insulin” (Australia 1). Since muscle contraction can take up glucose from the bloodstream without insulin during exercise, being active is particularly encouraged when blood glucose levels are elevated. This will help bring high glucose levels down to a more normal reading quickly. Thus, a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle are imperative to proper diabetes management. Serious complications can evolve from poor management of diabetes. Seizures, diabetic coma, ketoacidosis (ketones present in the blood stream cause the kidneys to shut down), loss of vision, depression, amputation, and premature death are all complications of diabetes. Lauren Stanford, at 13, felt the frustrations of living with diabetes: “I wanted so bad to be like my other teenage friends who were free to worry about nothing more than boys and movies and fun,” she says (Juvenile Diabetes 66). Lauren, like many teenagers, began to neglect her diabetes in order to feel “free” like other children her age. Not only did she neglect to monitor her blood glucose levels, but she began skipping insulin doses as well. Lauren went on to say that, “On October 30th I collapsed and was rushed to Children’s Hospital in Boston where I was put in the ICU. I could have died. Diabetes almost got me” (Juvenile Diabetes 66). Ignorance and neglect of diabetes management can carry serious health risks as seen in Lauren’s story. It is important to realize that diabetes is not a disease that will go away if ignored. Rather, serious complications can evolve from neglect. Therefore, it is very important to handle Diabetes in a serious and responsible manner. Type 1 diabetes is a serious disease that carries serious consequences and health risks from poor management. Therefore, the bruises, holes, and tender skin from finger pricks and injections are a necessary part of life for one living with diabetes. Many parents suffer from the guilt of hurting their child with daily sticks, but this is what keeps a child with diabetes alive. Regular glucose monitoring, insulin therapy, a healthy diet, and active lifestyle are the most important steps in proper diabetes care. Many children and adults suffer from type 1 diabetes, but with the advancements of technology, those suffering from diabetes are able to live a healthy and happy lifestyle until a cure is found. 


Diabetes ate.

Therapeutic approach in patients with diabetes (1) Porridge. Suitable ones for diabetics to eat are: Bean paste soup ("Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica"): rice 50g, bean curd paste 500mL, a little salt or sugar, boiled rice, bean paste, add to rice flowering thick porridge, 2 doses morning and evening hours. For diabetic patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, if they were not taking diabetic renal failure. Mung bean porridge ("Universal Relief"): rice 50g, green beans 50g, a total of porridge consumption. Green beans with lipid-lowering effects, suitable for diabetes patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, if they were not taking diabetic renal failure. Red bean fish congee (experience side): Chixiaodou 50g, Lei 1, first cooked the fish juice, added Chixiaodou boiled. For diabetic edema. Spinach porridge ("Compendium of Materia Medica"): spinach 100 ~ 150g, rice 50g, porridge consumption. Deficiency of heat for diabetes type. Diarrhea, loose stools ban clothing. Celery soup ("Compendium of Materia Medica"): 60 ~ 100g fresh chopped celery, rice 100g, taking porridge. For diabetic patients with hypertension. Fungus porridge ("ghost left side"): Tremella 5 ~ 10g (or black fungus 30g), rice 100g, jujube 3. First soaked white fungus, the rice, add cooked white fungus jujube, porridge eating. For diabetic vascular lesions, Minnesota Soda American University School of Medicine Professor Han Muxi Schmitt, eat fungus can reduce and prevent heart attacks. Poxue role of fungus, diabetes, pregnant women with caution. Carrot soup ("Maps of Materia Medica"): amount of fresh white radish, rice 50g, taking porridge. Diabetes sputum for each knot gas. Mountain Porridge ("Medical Zhong Participation West recorded"): Health yam 60g, rice 60g, boiled rice porridge, yam paste, stir together butter and honey condensate, crumple with a spoon, into the congee consumption. For diabetes, spleen and kidney qi deficiency, backache, fatigue, who will vent. Carrot soup ("Compendium of Materia Medica"): fresh carrot 50g, rice 100g, taking porridge for diabetic patients with hypertension. Pharmacological Research: potassium succinate carrot has blood pressure. Melon duck porridge (prescription): a melon, light duck, rice, 200g, 10 mushrooms, dried tangerine peel 3g. Pan fried duck in the first burst of light to the incense, with onions, ginger and seasoning, picked up the slices into the soup boiled. Fresh duck served porridge. For diabetic patients with hypertension. SJ porridge (prescription): SJ 30g dried or fresh goods 50g, rice 50g, taking porridge. For diabetes, hypertension, stroke patients. SJ can expand coronary artery, can prevent atherosclerosis, often taking the role of the prevention of stroke. Chrysanthemum porridge ("are appearing common saying"): The Story of Qiu drying into powder, 100g rice porridge to first. Transferred to the end of 10g Shaozhu daisy or two boiling can take. Dim depending on the material for those with diabetes. Chrysanthemum Liver eyesight, for the prevention and treatment of clinical hypertension, coronary heart disease and hyperlipidemia. Corn meal porridge ("food therapy"): rice 50 ~ 100g, add boiled rice after flowering to, transferred to corn flour 30g (fresh corn flour), ?? take a moment. Applicable to all kinds of diabetes. Corn protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals, rich in corn oil is a fat more unsaturated fatty acids, is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor. Lychee porridge ("Quanzhou Materia Medica"): 5 ~ 7 litchi, rice 50g, water, amount of porridge taken. For type ? diabetes. Kudzu powder porridge ("Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang"): Kudzu powder 30g, rice 50g, taking a total of porridge. For the elderly with diabetes, or hypertension, coronary heart disease, puerarin with flavonoids, has antipyretic, blood fat, lowering blood sugar. Rehmanniae porridge ("May God Qu Xian Hidden"): 150g of fresh habitat wash smashed container, 50g boiled rice porridge, juice, then add raw land, ?? use. For Qi and Yin Deficiency type of diabetes. Qi Zi porridge ("Compendium of Materia Medica"): medlar 15 ~ 20g, rice 50g, taking porridge. Those for diabetes, liver and kidney. Hulu porridge (experience side): Chen gourd fried deposit of 10g, 50g rice porridge taken for diabetes edema. TCS porridge ("Qian Jin Fang"): Pollen 30g, warm water for 2 hours, add water 200mL, fry 100mL, taking into rice porridge 50g. Obviously thirsty for diabetes, diabetes during pregnancy. Allium seeds porridge ("Qian Jin Yi Fang"): Allium sub 10g fry, rice 50g, taking porridge for diabetic patients with impotence. (2) therapeutic food and herbs. Suitable for diabetics and medicated food dishes are: Bitter: detoxification, Chufan thirst quencher, and animal studies show that bitter melon had significantly lower blood sugar. Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the PLA People with diabetes often eat bitter melon has some role in lowering blood glucose, can be eaten fresh or stewed bitter gourd for cooking, each 100g. Diabetic spleen Deficiency not take it. Freshwater Mussel bitter melon soup: bitter 250g, clam 100g, a total of soup, oil salt, to eat bitter melon soup cooked shellfish meat. For light diabetes. Pumpkin: lower blood sugar, blood lipid. Domestic and foreign clinical studies have shown that diabetic pumpkin powder does have effects on the light. Research can be dried pumpkin powder, each 5g, 3 times a day, 250g cooked pumpkin can also be eaten fresh, not only hunger but also lower blood sugar. Onion (onion): tasteless nature, can reduce blood sugar, also used Shuijianbi 50 ~ 100g onions, also can be used for food consumption. Pork pot Corn: Corn 30g, lean pork 100g, cooked meat Yin Tang, for diabetic patients in general. Wolfberry steamed: medlar 15g, hen a plus wine, ginger, onions, spices, cooked Gong Zhu wolfberry fruit, chicken, Yin Tang. For the faint of diabetic kidney. Braised chicken wings bitter: bitter melon 250g, chicken wings, 1 on, ginger, rice wine, spices, vegetable oil amount, the first fried chicken wings, then into the bitter gourd, spices, cooked meat Yin Tang. Adenophora Polygonatum duck pot: Radix 30 ~ 50g, Polygonatum 30g, the old male duck, spring onions, ginger, salt and a little stew cooked meat, Yin Tang. For middle-aged diabetes. Tea steamed carp: carp 500g, 20g or so of green tea, steamed, light food fish. For diabetes. Radish pot abalone: abalone, dried 20g, fresh radish 250g, plus kettle cooked, meat Yin Tang. For diabetic patients in general. Eel: has a hypoglycemic effect. Making use of eel Diet are: Participation steamed eel, the golden eel, braised eel wire, Guishen eel fish, such as Green Paper can be used explosive Shansi. Turtle soup: live turtle 500g, onion, ginger, bamboo shoots, moderate alcohol, Dunshu Yin Tang. For elderly diabetic patients with kidney yin deficiency. Leeks cooked clam meat: leek 250g, clam meat 250g, cooking wine, ginger, pinch of salt, cooked meat Decoction for diabetic kidney yin is insufficient. Turtle stew Corn: Corn 100g, turtle one, onion, salt, cooking wine amount, Dunshu carnivorous Yin Tang. For diabetic patients in general. Clam stew corn: Corn 100g, clam 150g, salt, onions, wine taste. Decoction Dunshu food for diabetic patients in general. Snail: the role of certain hypoglycemic, 10 to 20 large cement, salt, ginger, spring onion, cooked food Lo Yin Tang. Cod: cod pancreas is rich in insulin, can be stewed. Applicable to all types of diabetes. Chrysalis: fried with vegetable oil after cleaning, or fry decoction. Applicable to all types of diabetes. Sea cucumber: Wash can be used for various types of fried diabetes. Fresh mushrooms fried peas: fresh mushroom 100g, fresh peas 150g, vegetable oil, salt a little. Applicable to all types of diabetes. Other Plastic Packaging: Fried Peas, Fried Bean Sprouts, Fried melon, Fried spinach, fried bean sprouts, Hong Gansi fried celery, mushrooms, cabbage Dengjun suitable for diabetic food burning. (3) soups, beverages. Patients suitable for drinking soups, beverages are: Winter flesh soup ("Sheng Hui Fang"): Winter flesh (dried) 30g decoction on behalf of the tea. Gourd soup: fresh gourd 60g, or dried 30g, decoction Yin Tang. Boil for diabetic skin. Chixiaodou winter melon soup: red bean, melon amount Jiantang. Boil for diabetic skin. Mulberry rice soup: rice blast took 30g, Cortex Mori 30g, Shuijianbi. For diabetes are thirsty to drink. Spinach white fungus soup: fresh spinach root 150 ~ 200g, white fungus 20g, Yin Tang eat fungus, constipation for those with diabetes. Rabbit soup: a rabbit, salt spices, cooked meat Yin Tang. Pigeon white fungus soup: half a pigeon, white fungus 15g, cooked meat Yin Tang. Applicable to all types of diabetes. Pigeon odoratum yam soup: pigeons 1, yam 30g, Polygonatum 20g, total cooked meat Yin Tang. For deficiency diabetes. Pig pancreas soup: a porcine pancreas, Astragalus 60g, Chinese yam 120g, water decoction, fresh pig pancreas, Yin Tang. Pig Yizi drying into powder, each time 6 ~ 9g, 3 times a day. Applicable to all types of diabetes. Ears soup: white fungus, black fungus of the 10g, a little rock sugar, white fungus, black fungus, washed with water vapor added to the fungus Shulan, food fungus Yin Tang. Diabetic eyes out for blood. Huai-Ju green tea drink: chrysanthemum, Sophora japonica, green tea, the 3g, boiling water for drinking. For diabetic patients with hypertension. Bitter melon tea: a fresh bitter melon, green tea amount, warm water. For light diabetes. Diabetes tea ("Taiwan Miyao"): Ophiopogon, Polygonatum the 15g, astragalus, through the grass of the 100g, Poria, Ginger, Pueraria, Morus alba the 50g, Burdock Root 150g, dry habitat, wolfberry root, silver flower vine, Coix seed 30g, Smilax 24g, drugs were made into powder and cake, each 15g, each take a fire Do not focus on making Hong cooked, research last tea. Digupi Lu ("National Chinese medicine formulary"): Digupi 300g, to fine, with the distillation method, as exposed 1500g, per serving 60g, 2 times a day. Diabetes instant drink: fresh melon peel the skin and 1000g, sugar amount, Trichosanthes root 250g. Peel and slice cucumber, Trichosanthes root broken blisters, put the pot boiling the water amount of 1 hour, winners go to Java and then add boiling over low heat to concentrate, to sticky a cease-fire, to be warm, add sugar powder, the boiled liquid smoke net, mix, dried, crushed, each 10g, red of boiling water, frequency of drinking of tea. Applicable to all types of diabetes. White radish juice ("fresh Minds of Medicine"): white radish 1000g, washed smashed, gauze Jiao Zhi, each 50mL, 3 times a day. Fresh Juice Lee ("Quanzhou Materia Medica"): amount of fresh ripe plums, chopped Jiao Zhi, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Plum Tea: ebony 15g, on behalf of boiling tea. Polygonatum wolfberry tea: Polygonatum 15g, medlar 10g, green tea, 3g, warm water on behalf of tea brewing. Fresh Rehmannia Lu ("TCM Diabetes Control"): fresh habitat 500g, cut into small pieces, the system exposed 1000g, per serving 100g, with nourishing Yin, thirst role. Ophiopogon tea ("TCM Diabetes Control"): Radix, Codonopsis, littoralis, Yu-chu, pollen of the 9g, ebony, Anemarrhena, licorice all 6g, total fine, each serving one, drinking water Chong, on behalf of the tea. Sheng Jin Cha ("TCM Diabetes Control"): Fruit 5, Golden Dendrobium, chamomile, Zhuru the 6g, Radix, mulberry leaves the 6g, Xianou 10, pineapple (peeled) 2, water chestnuts (peeled) 5, fresh reed rhizome (chopped) 2, total crude on the drug? 


Diabetes Prevention and medicine.

Diabetes is one of the old time and long run disease. The word "diabetes" is derived from the Greek word meaning "a siphon." The 2nd-century A.D. Greek physician, Aretus the Cappadocian, named the condition "diabetes." Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce enough, or properly respond to, insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin enables cells to absorb glucose in order to turn it into energy. In diabetes, the body either doesn't respond properly to its own insulin, doesn't make enough insulin, or both. This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood, often leading to various complications.The WHO reported in 2009 that there are more than 25 million children and adults in the United States-7.8% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 17.9 million in the US alone have been diagnosed with diabetes, nearly one in four (5.7 million) diabetics are unaware that they have the disease.Swine Flu - Swine Influenza (H1N1) VirusTypes of diabetesThere are many types of diabetes recognized, but the principal three are:* Type 1It Results from the body's failure to produce insulin. It is estimated that 5-10% of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. Presently almost all persons with type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections.* Type 2It Results from Insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with relative insulin deficiency. Most Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.Chikungunya - A Mosquito-Borne Viral Disease* Gestational diabetesPregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women.*Other diabetesMany other forms of diabetes mellitus are categorized separately from these. Examples include congenital diabetes due to genetic defects of insulin secretion, cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, steroid diabetes induced by high doses of glucocorticoids, and several forms of monogenic diabetes.Bird Flu - Avian flu, Avian influenza, H5N1Diabetes - Signs and symptomsThe detail description of the most significant symptoms of diabetes are given below -The classical symptoms are polyuria and polydipsia which are, respectively, frequent urination and increased thirst and consequent increased fluid intake. Symptoms may develop quite rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes, particularly in children. However, in type 2 diabetes symptoms usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or completely absent. Type 1 diabetes may also cause a rapid yet significant weight loss (despite normal or even increased eating) and irreducible mental fatigue.In Diabetic the osmotic pressure of the urine increases and inhibits reabsorption of water by the kidney, resulting in increased urine production and increased fluid loss. Lost blood volume will be replaced osmotically from water held in body cells and other body compartments, causing dehydration and increased thirst.Prolonged high blood glucose causes glucose absorption, which leads to changes in the shape of the lenses of the eyes, resulting in vision changes. Blurred vision is a common complaint leading to a diabetes diagnosis; type 1 should always be suspected in cases of rapid vision change, whereas with type 2 change is generally more gradual, but should still be suspected.Patients (usually with type 1 diabetes) may also initially present with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), an extreme state of metabolic dysregulation characterized by the smell of acetone on the patient's breath; a rapid, deep breathing known as Kussmaul breathing; polyuria; nausea; vomiting and abdominal pain; and any of many altered states of consciousness or arousal.Chickenpox - A Virus DiseasePrevention from diabetesPeople with diabetes can lead a healthy life if, their blood glucose level is under control. The decrease in life span of a diabetic is restored to normal by maintaining good blood glucose control (90-130 mg/dl at fasting and with less than 180 mg/dl 2hrs after meals). Sometimes, patients may not need any tablet/insulin or, even diet control to keep their blood glucose in control. Type 2 diabetes risk can be reduced in many cases by making changes in diet and increasing physical activity. Doctors recommends maintaining a healthy weight, getting at least 2ฝ hours of exercise per week, having a modest fat intake, and eating sufficient fiber.Asthma - The Lung DiseaseEffects of Diabetes* Effects in Type 1In type 1, the body stop producing insulin due to autuimmune response or possibly viral attack. In absence of insulin, body cells don't get the required glucose for producing ATP (Adenosin Triphosphate) units which results into primary symptom in the form of nausea and vomiting. In later stage, which leads to ketoacidosis, the body starts breaking down the muscle tissue and fat for producing energy hence, causing fast weight loss. Dehydration is also usually observed due to electrolyte disturbance. In advanced stages, coma and death is witnessed.* Effects in Type 2* Increased fatigue* Polydipsia : As the concentration of glucose increases in the blood, brain receives signal for diluting it and, in its counteraction we feel thirsty.* Polyuria: Increase in urine production is due to excess glucose present in body. Body gets rid of the extra sugar in the blood by excreting it through urine. This leads to dehydration because along with the sugar, a large amount of water is excreted out of the body.* Polyphegia : The hormone insulin is also responsible for stimulating hunger. In order to cope up with high sugar levels in blood, body produces insulin which leads to increased hunger.* Weight flactuation* Blurry vision* Irritability : It is a sign of high blood sugar because of the inefficient glucose supply to the brain and other body organs, which makes us feel tired and uneasy.* Infections* Poor wound healingDiabetes - The Disease of Rich People


Dealing with Diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious disease that affects a staggering number of Americans. Last week, I shared these stats, which illustrate just how common the disease is becoming: Newly diagnosed cases of diabetes increased by 90 percent from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. And the number of Americans with diabetes has tripled from 1980 through 2006. (As many as 95 percent of diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes, the type that, in many cases, is a result of obesity; type 1 is usually caused by an autoimmune disease. See the box below for more on the different types of diabetes.)If you're one of the people affected by diabetes, you might be feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, even fearful about what your diagnosis means for you. Fortunately, you have a lot of control over how well you fare. If you take your medications and monitor your blood sugar level, and make a few important lifestyle changes, such as the ones I mention below (and which I discuss, along with my co-authors endocrinologist John J. "Jack" Merendino, Jr., M,D., and Best life lead nutritionist Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D., in more detail in The Best Life Guide to Managing Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes), you can stay healthy, ward off complications of the disease and improve your quality of life.Try these three key strategies to keep your diabetes under control. • Control your carb intake. Your body uses carbohydrates as its main source of energy. When you eat a carbohydrate-rich food, like cereal, bread or fruit, the body breaks down the starch and sugar in these foods into glucose—the glucose is then transported through the bloodstream, and with the help of the hormone insulin, it makes its way into all the body's cells, where it's used as fuel. At least, that's how it’s supposed to work. When you have diabetes, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or the cells aren't responsive to the insulin. That means if you eat a meal containing carbohydrates, you'll end up with an excess of glucose in your bloodstream—not in your cells, which need the fuel to pump your heart, expand your lungs, and keep nerve cells firing in the brain. Long term, that excess glucose causes damage to your eyes, kidney and nerves, and increases your risk for heart disease. Obviously, you need carbs for energy, so the key is finding the right amount, both in terms of blood sugar and calories. (There are some helpful charts in the book as well as the online program to help you figure this out.) Once you determine just how many carbs you can handle, you can then spread them out between your meals and snacks so you keep your blood sugar as stable as possible throughout the day. • Maintain a healthy weight. The connection between weight and diabetes is well-established. Ideally, you should try to bring your body mass index, a ratio of height to weight, into the healthy category; a BMI of less than 25 is considered healthy. (To find out your BMI, use the National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute's BMI calculator.) But even losing a small amount of weight—about 10 percent, according to studies—can help you control your disease. To drop pounds or maintain, you'll need to follow a calorie-controlled balanced diet, such as the one in our meal plans. Exercise is also important; see below for more on this. • Exercise regularly. Exercise protects against diabetes in a number of ways. First, it can help you shed pounds, thus reducing your risk for the disease. It also helps you lose dangerous abdominal fat (also called visceral fat), which puts you at risk not only for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes but also for heart disease and other illnesses. And finally, it reduces insulin resistance (meaning it makes insulin more effective at transporting glucose into all the body's cells). The result: Better blood sugar control and improved overall health. Check out the videos and articles in our Library for great workouts, tips and motivation.The Different Types of DiabetesType 1 diabetes is usually caused by an autoimmune condition that affects the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas (called beta cells). It can also be caused by severe pancreatitis or removal of the pancreas. People with type 1 must take insulin because the body produces little to none. About five to 10 percent of all diabetes cases are type 1.Pre-diabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar levels are elevated above normal, but aren't high enough to meet the criteria for diabetes. (Normal blood sugar is under 100 mg/dL; pre-diabetes is a blood sugar between 100 and 125; diabetes is a blood sugar of 126 or higher.) People with pre-diabetes usually produce enough insulin, but the body does not respond to the hormone as well as it should (a condition called insulin resistance, which has been linked to obesity and abdominal fat). In fact, people with pre-diabetes often produce very high levels of insulin—that's what it takes to combat the insulin resistance and get glucose (fuel used for energy) into cells. The condition doesn't always progress to type 2 diabetes—lifestyle changes can reverse the condition.Type 2 diabetes is, many times, simply a worsening of pre-diabetes. As with pre-diabetes, a person with type 2 may have a lot of insulin circulating in their bloodstream, but his insulin resistance has worsened to a point where even high levels of the hormone can't get enough glucose into cells. And after a while, insulin production itself may diminish—one theory is that the pancreas simply wears out from years of manufacturing the hormone at such a high rate. Type 2 accounts for about 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that women can develop when they're pregnant. It usually develops in the second half of pregnancy (doctors typically test for it around the 22nd week of pregnancy), and can put your health as well as the health of the fetus at risk.For more on diabetes management, check out The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. http://www.thebestlife.com


Controlling My Diabetes.

DIABETES NATURAL CURESWHAT IS DIABETES? WHY DO WE NEED TO SLASH DOWN OUR SUGAR INTAKE?We might not enjoy our favorite sweet product if this major ingredient will not be available.But studies have indicated different possible association between processed sugar consumption and health hazards.Diabetes is a syndrome of disordered metabolism.When glucose builds up in the bloodstream, it can cause two problems.This condition makes the person sugar level to rise due to insulin deficiency or insulin malfunction.Even though this is condition can be prevented naturally with balanced nutrition and basic exercises.TYPES OF DIABETESEither of the 3, if not properly treated and medication will not be implemented regularly this may lead to;Heart attack.Treatment needs will not significantly impair normal activities, if sufficient patient training, awareness, appropriate care, discipline in testing and dosing of insulin is taken..If you area diabetic.The condition affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose) and may result obesity outbreak.Increase of physical activity, decreasing carbohydrate intake, and losing weight will serve as preliminary treatment.It was tagged with such names because it represents a majority of the diabetes cases in children.DIABETES TREATMENTInculcate self discipline to make it work.Health care team may help you take care of your diabetes.Always stay healthy.Quit from smoking and excessive intake of alcohol.If diet and exercise aren't enough or fail to control the elevated blood sugars, you may need diabetes medications or insulin therapy to manage your blood sugar.ALTERNATIVE DIABETES CURES THROUGH THE HERBAL WAYOnce glucose is being passed thorough our bloodstream, it needs insulin in order to let the glucose to be injected into our cells.This may also help to bring back the functionality of our body cell by making those tissues since it has the ability to detoxify the lane through the intestines, kidneys, skin and liver.Third is the Gestational diabetes which is prominent to pregnant women.So once we had severe glucose in our blood, other internal organs like eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves might not have enough supply of sugar inside them.When we say herbal, treatment components are made form plant extracts.Marine Phytoplankton is found to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids which might help to reduce the amount of sugar in the diabetic patient• s bloodstream.Due to our busy lifestyle, when it comes to food and physical activities we often neglect to include these things to our daily itinerary.Aside from the traditional medical treatment we may add up a little help from alternative diabetes cures like herbal treatment.There are three main types of diabetes.Diabetes Mellitus is a disease wherein our pancreas had few or no production of insulin.These converted pieces are taken as protein, fats and carbohydrates which will be used to fuel our body for energy.It is also found out that marine phytoplankton may enhance our immune system and may lessen the effect of the damage the disease could give the patient.


Cure Your Diabetes Naturally.

Can a diabetic be cured naturally and live a rich life Free from Insulin shots? Yes, by taking one step at a time you can cure diabetes. It isn't a dream anymore! People with diabetes can achieve this freedom!If your physician diagnoses you with diabetes, it is not too late! It is not a life sentence of dull diets and insulin shots anymore! You don't need to despair. You will be able to cure it and lead a healthy life without insulin shots. Or if you are from a family genetically predisposed towards diabetes, you can keep the disease out of your body.You need to follow a simple process to Manage, Control, Reverse and, yes, Cure diabetes. It may seem impossible in the beginning, but with patience you can achieve your goal! Freedom from insulin shots. Remember the famous English proverb: "a stitch in time saves nine". The best approach is to take control and start the healing process immediately.Diabetes Diabetes is a sickness affecting the way the body metabolizes sugar (glucose) caused by a non-functioning pancreas refusing to produce enough insulin to absorb glucose. The rejected glucose is accumulated in the blood and urine and often leads to various complications. It is not a communicable disease, but could be inherited. Millions of people all over the world suffer from this chronic problem. It can lead to a range of complications, disabilities, reduced quality of life, shortened life expectancy, etc.Types of diabetesThe two main types are type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. There are also various other forms of diabetes e.g. gestational, monogenic (hereditary), congenital (genetic defect), etc.The term "type 1 diabetes" has universally replaced several former terms, including childhood-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The immune system of the body attacks and destroys the pancreatic cells, and hence, pancreas can no longer produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not manufacture enough insulin or the cells pay no attention to the insulin. This is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas leading to insulin deficiency. The third type is called gestational diabetes, which is caused by an increased hormone level during pregnancy resulting in complications for the mother and the fetus or newborn baby. It may increase the chances of a caesarean delivery.Insulin affects the function of bodily tissues and without it the liver, fat tissue, etc. will have problems absorbing nutrients. Severe long-term complications in any form of diabetes can result in kidney failure, vascular disease, vision damage, loss of sensation, impotence, gangrene leading to amputation, heart failure, gum disease, loss of teeth, etc.Diabetes in ancient timesDiabetes was a death sentence till the discovery of insulin even though Sushruta (6th century BC Indian sage physician) advised patients to exercise and classified it as Medhumeha, "sweet urine disease", by testing whether ants were attracted to a person's urine and identified it with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Aretaeos of Cappadocia (2nd century AD), celebrated ancient Greek physician, was the first to name the disease 'diabetes', which means a 'siphon' in ancient Greek, as the disease involves the discharge of excessive amounts of urine. He made an attempt to treat it but without success and commented that life with diabetes is short, disgusting and painful. In 1675, Thomas Willis added the word mellitus, from the Latin meaning "honey", a reference to the sweetness of the urine.Origin of insulin shotsThe role of the pancreas in diabetes was discovered by Joseph von Mering and Oskar Minkowski in 1889.It was early 20th century Sir Frederick Grant Banting and his team discovered the role of insulin as an effective treatment and the first patient was successfully treated with insulin injections in 1922. The team received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 and generously donated the patent free to the public and did not control commercial production.Insulin took off and became a life line for diabetics, earning billions in revenue for pharmaceutical companies. November 14, Bantings' birthday, became the World Diabetes Day in his honor.Diabetes treatmentAll forms of diabetes can be controlled and managed.Though a lot of medical research was conducted to find a cure for each type of diabetes, unfortunately, till now they have failed and insulin is the only option to treat all forms of diabetes since it became medically available in 1923.Therefore today diabetics are programmed to be insulin dependent. It does not cure the patient but gives relief as long as you use it. The amount of insulin and the number of times a diabetic needs injections increase as the years progress.Curing diabetes the natural wayThough modern medicine has not found a cure, you can have a natural cure for diabetes with simple ways which will really help you to manage and treat this medical condition.The natural cure for diabetes is focused on the main complication, the root cause of the symptoms, instead of just the symptoms and the body is treated as a whole unit, not an assembly of independent parts. It helps you to make wise choices on a tasty, balanced diet in order to help the body to remove the impurities and strengthen the immune system so that it can fight the disease and destroy it from the root!The process helps you to Control & Cure diabetes by regenerating the tissue cells and restoring the natural functions of the body cells. Thus decreasing your dependency on insulin and attaining your freedom from insulin shots!!!


Cure Diabetes Naturally.

Diabetics using stem-cell therapy have been able to stop taking insulin injections for the first time, after their bodies started to produce the hormone naturally again. In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood. The results show that insulin-dependent diabetics can be freed from reliance on needles by an injection of their own stem cells. The therapy could signal a revolution in the treatment of the condition, which affects more than 300,000 Britons. People with type 1 diabetes have to give themselves regular injections to control blood-sugar levels, as their ability to create the hormone naturally is destroyed by an immune disorder. All but two of the volunteers in the trial, details of which are published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), do not need daily insulin injections up to three years after stopping their treatment regimes. The findings were released to reporters yesterday as the future of US stem-cell research was being debated in Washington. Stem cells are immature, unprogrammed cells that have the ability to grow into different kinds of tissue and can be sourced from people of all ages. Previous studies have suggested that stem-cell therapies offer huge potential to treat a variety of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and motor neuron disease. A study by British scientists in November also reported that stem-cell injections could repair organ damage in heart attack victims. But research using the most versatile kind of stem cells - those acquired from human embryos - is currently opposed by powerful critics, including President Bush. The JAMA study provides the first clinical evidence for the efficacy of stem cells in type 1 diabetes. Sufferers of the chronic condition, which normally emerges in childhood or early adulthood, have to inject themselves at least four times a day. Type 2 diabetes, which tends to affect people later in life, is linked to lifestyle factors such as obesity. There are almost two million type 2 diabetics in Briton, most of whom control their blood-sugar levels with pills or through diet. The new study, by a joint team of Brazilian and American scientists, found that one of the first patients to undergo the procedure has not used any supplemental synthetic insulin for three years. "Very encouraging results were obtained in a small number of patients with early-onset disease," the authors, led by Julio Voltarelli, from the University of Sใo Paulo in Ribeirใo Preto, Brazil. write. "Ninety-three per cent of patients achieved different periods of insulin independence and treatment-related toxicity was low, with no mortality." Is it possible to cure diabetes naturally. Doctors says that diabetes can't be cured. The truth is, diabetes can't be cured with conventional medicine. That's because conventional medicine only treats the symptoms of diabetes, not the cause.Can we keep our glucose level normal and treat diabetes naturally and control blood sugar naturally with lifestyle and diabetic diets or is it inevitable that one day we will have to suffer symptoms of type 1 or type 2 diabetes? There is enough evidence to suggest that diabetes symptoms can be greatly alleviated by dietary changes and diabetics could better regulate their blood sugar levels through diet and exercise. Some anti-aging studies done have shown that even insulin-dependent diabetics could get off insulin and find a new way to process the disease with a healthy more natural approach.here are several natural cures for diabetes. They are all natural herbs that you can find in specific regions, together with certain vitamins and minerals.While there is drugs that successfully controlling blood sugar level, their side effects would make them undesirable for your body.It is also known with the scientific name of Bitter Gourd Momordica-charantia. Now days, after many successful scientific researches, it has been demonstrated very effective to diabetics. It has high content in insulin, which your body starves when you're diabetic. In this way, it helps you by lowering your sugar blood level. And you can beat your diabetes naturally without side effects. How can you use Bitter melon. It's very simple. You can take bitter melon juice 2 times a day on empty stomach. Or you can cook it as a usual vegetable preparing your daily dishes or salads. Everybody can benefit from cinnamon intake. If you are part of a high-risk population for future diabetes onset, everyday cinnamon intake can help you preventing it. On the other part, if you are diabetic and have type2 diabetes, cinnamon can help you reduce your high blood sugar levels.Even type1 diabetics can benefit from cinnamon intake, reducing their high blood sugar levels. It is true cinnamon doesn't increase the pancreas insulin production, because it doesn't produce it at all. But acting as high blood sugar level reducer, it heps you to naturally beat your diabetes. What you can do is to add cinnamon powder to almost everything you eat everyday. Or you can put a cinnamon stick into hot water, preparing a tasty cinnamon tea and keeping your diabetes under controlAs many other natural cures for diabetes, gymnema sylvestre was commonly used by Ayuverdic Medicine of Indians. This huge experience is taken in consideration in our days to what natural cure can give gymnema sylvestre for diabetes.From scientific proven researches done since 1990, have been concluded that it can help diabetic type1 and 2 people in the hard war of beating the diabetes naturally. I was really surprised when I've first heard about diabetes banaba cure. In fact, I've never heard about this plant.Now I know that it can be known with the names of Banaba herbs, extract, and leaf or with the scientific name of Lagerstroemia speciosa. It is commonly known as "plant-insulin' as well as "botanical-insulin".It has been mostly used in Philippines as a popular medicine to cure diabetes. Meanwhile, in Japan, this banaba tea is quite vogue among the population. On the other hand, the Americans in US are using it as a secure, natural factor even for losing weight too.Researches have shown that the anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C taken with other supplements has a great effect on diabetics, helping them lowering high sugar blood levels. It also helps reducing the risk of atherosclerosis too, that often occurs in diabetics. In this way the onset of heart stroke is easily delayed, and you may be well protected.Since the ancient times, our predecessors, have used garlic and onion among other fresh natural foods. They have used them not only for their taste, but also for the huge benefits they provided.I'll tell you all about the amazing deal you get when you order today but first let me explain that you don't just visit this link for more information :http://diabetes.500digitalbooks.com "> cure diabetes naturally 


Controlling and Preventing Diabetes and Diabetic Symptoms

In an awfully vital attempt in regulating and forbidding diabetes and the signs of diabetes several studies have disclosed 3 mechanisms which have for the most part benefited the balancing of glucose in the blood, thereby lessening the disproportion in glucose levels, and thus may also control the signs of diabetes, and other diabetic symptoms, or the cause of diabetes. As these levels get uniform the cause of diabetes or any diabetic symptoms are either structured or prevented.The 3 mechanisms which have been detected to downgrade the fluctuations in blood glucose are (1) The slowing down of Carbohydrate Absorption. (2) The reduction of the Glycemic Index of food, and (3) Improving the Sensitivity of Insulin in the body.1: Delaying The Absorption of Carbohydrates.In order to delay the saturation of carbohayrates, the foods consumed must have a big measure of viscous soluble fiber. When this product or food with soluble fiber is consumed right ahead of a meal, the soluble fiber forms a gel-matrix in the digestive tract.Thus as the gel-matrix is immediately in the system ahead of the meal, the saturation from the food from the meal is delayed and over time may reduce or avoid any signs of diabetes, other diabetic symptoms, signs of diabetes, or the originator of diabetes.This delayed saturation happens because the soluble fiber matrix forms a slimy complex which engulfs the food, including carbohydrates and defends it from the digestive process.Infact, the food, containing carbohydrates are lazily pulled along with the fiber matrix throughout the digestive tract forbidding all the food from doubtlessly being absorbed at the initial areas of the intestines. This process is essential in preventing the cause of diabetes, or any signs of diabetes.owing to this detained saturation, there is little sugar (glucose) being absorbed at the same time, therefore providing an effective and reliable glucose level balance in the blood, and thus may boost in limiting the cause of diabetes, diabetic symptoms or any signs of diabetes.But keep in mind that this does not mean that the complete amount of food or carbohydrates are not absorbed. This is just an compelling way in procrastinating the saturation over a longer period of time thus controlling and preventing too many highs and lows as food is ingested, thereby forbidding or controlling any signs of diabetes, or the cause of diabetes.2: Reducing The Glycemic Index of FoodsOwing to the fact that all foods in particular contain distinct amounts of carbohydrates, the ingestion of distinct foods may have different effects on blood sugar (glucose) levels, consequently affecting any signs of diabetes, diabetic symptoms and the cause of diabetes. Not to mention that there are also distinct kinds of carbohydrates in foods, consequently complicating the action of digestion and absorption and that may act on glucose levels and in some way signs of diabetes, or the consequence of diabetes.As a result of the circumstance that some carbohydrates are much easier to be digested by enzymes in the digestive tract than others, and that some carbohydrates in foods are more susceptible to digestion in the stomach, this provides the need for an effective index to measure the results on our blood glucose levels of food, in an endeavor to avert the consequence of diabetes, any signs of diabetes, or diabetic symptoms requiring the need for a Glycemic index of Foods.The Glycemic index of foods in reality describes the glucose result of a specific food. The Glycemic index of pure glucose is 100, which is the greatest number to be found. This is so because pure glucose has the fastest and best absorption rate in the digestive tract, and can be greatly important in governing the signs of diabetes, or the cause of diabetes.The greater the Glycemic index of any food, it's the more excellent the effect of that particular food on glucose values and the rise of blood, energy and possibly cause of diabetes. Accordingly the desire to completely appreciate and be knowledgeable of the Glycemic index of foods in its duty in prohibiting diabetes, the cause of diabetes, or any diabetic symptoms.Because foods with a greater Glycemic index raises the blood glucose level, folks who chooses to lose weight or to prevent any signs of diabetes are earnestly looking to eat only foods with a low Glycemic index.Low (G.I) means a decreased supply of glucose in the blood, consequently creating less energy for the cells to eat up, resulting in perhaps weight stabalization, weight loss or even limiting diabetic symptoms, signs of diabetes or the cause of diabetes.Various studies has depicted that Soluble Fiber decreases the Glycemic index of foods, using a mechanism which safe guards the digestive enzymes in the gut, in an endeavor to stabilize glucose levels which may prevent signs of diabetes, or the cause of diabetes.When soluble fiber is taken prior to a meal it forms a defensive envelope around the food. This defensive envelope reduces the capability of the enzymes to charge the carbohydrates in the food, thus lessening the digestive mode of carbohydrates. And as this is done the method may also build a treatment limiting diabetes or the signs of diabetes. 3: Improving The Sensivity For Insulin.When glucose balance is improved, the sensitivity of all cells to the hormone insulin also enhances. This is awfully important because insulin is the hormone which opens the doors in all cells to permit glucose to go in, in an attempt to provide fuel for the formulation of energy. Once this method is inadequate or out of equilibrium, diabetic symptoms, signs of diabetes or the cause of diabetes can occur.Several studies have exhibited that the absence of the trace mineral chromium is associated to signs of diabetes, and other diabetic symptoms, as chromium helps the fastening of insulin. Whereas this mineral can be found in a number of daily foods, it is very complex to be absorbed. Some estimates that less than 2 percent of ingested chromium is literally absorbed in to the blood stream.Once absorbed after all, this trace mineral is distributed all through the bodily tissues, and it binds to certified biomolecules which creates the effects of all activated insulin receptors much more defined and adapted and may avoid the cause of diabetes.Even though without the presence of chromium, insulin works quite well, by having an acceptable supply of chromium as a normal quantity increases the action of the binding of insulin. And as this binding is enhanced so too is preventing any signs of diabetes.There are two types of chromium on the market today. Chromium chloride, which is cheapo and has an absorption count of only 0.4 percent. Then there is Chromium Polinicotinate, which is an authorized form of chromium which has the proficiency to exceedingly augment absorption, and is known to help prevent the signs of diabetes.Studies have shown that this kind of chromium, chromium polinicotinate, when absorbed in its natural type is absorbed six time greater than chromium chloride, and may block diabetes or the signs of diabetes.Even though this may not be such a huge change on a weight basis, all the same, the identical supply of this trace mineral will have a much larger and tremendously enhanced effect when used in its authorized type to manage or to prevent any signs of diabetes.


Type I Diabetes vs. Type II Diabetes.

Not all Diabetes is the same! Especially when people start looking into diabetes clinical trials, one must first understand the difference between the various types of diabetes.Glucose is a vital form of sugar employed by the cells of the human body. The cells of the body obtain their needed glucose from the glucose made in the liver and muscles, as well as from the food that we eat. Insulin, a chemical made in the pancreas, is required for glucose to be absorbed by the cells. If an insufficient amount of insulin is produced, or if the insulin is not functioning properly, the glucose will not be taken as required by the cells, and as a result will build up in the blood stream. This build-up causes high blood sugar, which leads to pre-diabetes or Type I or Type II diabetes. The unfortunate chain of events can happen to people of all ages and with a variety of dietary habits.Some people with diabetes do not experience any symptoms before their diagnoses. The test for diabetes involves a simple blood test to assess glucose levels, which will detect diabetes regardless of whether or not the patient is feeling symptoms. If a person experiences any of the following symptoms, he should consult his healthcare professional as it could be a sign of diabetes: severe thirst, frequent urination, severe hunger, exhaustion, unintentional weight loss, dry or itchy skin, slowly healing sores, tingling or numbness in the feet and/or blurred vision.With regard to the source of Type I diabetes, this occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, and as a result the beta cells stop producing insulin. Type I diabetes (formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes) is usually diagnosed in children, teenagers and young adults.Type II diabetes is a result of insulin resistance; a disorder in which the fat, muscle and liver cells do not properly use insulin. With Type II diabetes, formerly known as adult-onset diabetes or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas is forced to produce enough insulin to keep up with the increased insulin demand. However, over time the pancreas becomes incapable of secreting enough insulin after a person has eaten a meal and fills the blood stream with glucose. Lack of physical activity and obesity both increase a person's risk of developing this type of diabetes.Eating healthy and engaging in physical activity are ways to help prevent or treat diabetes. In addition, keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check are advisable preventative and curative courses of treatment. A daily dose of aspirin and injecting insulin are common ways to treat diabetes for those already diagnosed with the disease.Other forms of diabetes include Pre-diabetes and Gestational diabetes. Pre-diabetes results when the blood glucose levels are higher than they should be, but not high enough to qualify for a diabetes diagnosis. Patients with pre-diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease, stroke and developing Type II diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes in the late stages of pregnancy caused by hormonal changes and/or a shortage of insulin. After the baby is born, gestational diabetes usually goes away and blood glucose levels return to more normal levels. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes are at higher risk of developing Type II diabetes later in later years.


Diabetes during Pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes usually diagnoses or begins during the pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood sugar level that is first recognized during pregnancy. In pregnancy, Glucose Intolerance occurs and it synonymous of gestational diabetes. The common causes of Gestational Diabetes can be the family history of diabetes, born 9lb baby previously from the same mother, overweight or loss, having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), African or Hispanic origin, obesity, recurrent infections, death of a new born or a mysterious miscarriage. Families originating from certain areas can be at a higher risk. Women from South Asia including India, Pakistan are on risk. Therefore, women from Middle East including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon or Egypt can also be risk prone of Gestational Diabetes. It is appeared that women possess a certain degree of impaired Glucose Intolerance due to hormonal change during pregnancy; it means the blood sugar is higher than normal but the diabetes is not high. At the third semester, the later part of the pregnancy, these hormonal changes let women fall in risky position for Gestational Diabetes. The high level of certain hormones that prepared in the placenta lets nutrients shift from the mother to the developing fetus. The placenta is the organ that connects the baby to the Uterus by the umbilical cord. However, the residual hormones, produced in the Placenta help the mother prevent developing low blood sugar, and insulin stops working. As the pregnancy period continues, these hormones ultimately lead to create impaired Glucose Intolerance, the high blood sugar levels. Decreasing blood sugar levels, the body makes more insulin letting glucose pour into the cells for energy consumption. Pancreas of mothers can be able to produce more insulin that is three times higher than normal amount. The system produces to overcome the effect of the pregnancy hormones at blood sugar levels. When the Pancreas cannot produce insulin enough to overcome the effect of the increased hormones in pregnancy time, the blood sugar levels will rise, and it results Gestational Diabetes.Further, Gestational Diabetes of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, GDM is a condition when pregnant women exhibit high blood pressure without diagnosing diabetes before.The symptoms of Gestational Diabetes are being screened during the pregnancy period. The diagnostics tests detect the inappropriateness of high levels of glucose in blood samples. Gestational Diabetics affect 3% to 10% pregnancies based on population studies. Some studies reveal that the lack of resistance of women body on insulin production results impaired Glucose Tolerance relating to hormones levels. The mothers with Gestational Diabetics give the birth of babies bearing typical problems. It can be delivery complication, low blood sugar and jaundice. Control of glucose levels can decrease the level.Women who are bearing Gestational Diabetics are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetics or latent autoimmune diabetes, type 1 after the pregnancy. The children are to be childhood obesity prone and type 2 diabetics are at later stage of life. Patients usually take moderated diet, exercises or insulin. Regular exercise and herbal remedies are very effective in this condition.Find Diabetes Natural Treatment to control sugar level. Find powerful Libido Enhancer to boost your lovemaking performance. Know how Premature Ejaculation Pills help control climax naturally.


Vitamins for Diabetics.

Diabetes is a disease that is characterized with abnormally high blood sugar levels due to the malfunctioning of the pancreas in the body of a diabetic patient. In this article, we explore the topic "diabetes vitamins". Diabetes is further classified as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is fully controlled with oral medications, exercise, and diet while on the other hand Type 1 diabetes is maintained with only insulin injections. Insulin is the hormone that is secreted by the pancreas. In case of the less severe Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas secretes insufficient amounts of insulin or there is some metabolic abnormality in the person’s body that leads to improper insulin uptake in the person. On the other hand, the more severe diabetic patients suffer from type 1 diabetes wherein the person has completely depend on external insulin as the pancreas does not secrete any insulin.As diabetes is a chronic disease, they are on long term medications. These patients are advised to take a regular dosage of multivitamins. Some of the vitamins are quite essential to diabetic patients as they too play a role in regulating the levels of insulin. So these are known as Vitamins for Diabetes.Vitamin D can be enlisted in the category of Diabetes Vitamins - Vitamins for Diabetes. Several research studies conducted on diabetic patients have concluded that people having optimum levels of Vitamin D in their blood were less susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes. So, one should include Vitamin D in the list of Diabetes Vitamins - Vitamins for Diabetes. The rich sources of Vitamin D include animal products such as eggs, cheese, and fishes such as salmon, tuna, and cod. Apart from this, people who are strict vegetarians or vegans can get their daily dosage of Vitamin by exposing their skin to sunlight early in the morning preferably. They should ensure that they get minimum exposure of 10 to 15 minutes upto two or three times in a week. Vitamin C can also be included in the list of Diabetes Vitamins- Vitamins for Diabetes. It has been found that when the level of Vitamin C is increased in the blood, the level of sorbitol lowers automatically. Now, sorbitol is a harmful sugar which when present in large amounts, such as in case of type 1 diabetic patients can trigger serious health complications associated with diabetes. These include greater risks of retinopathy, neuropathy, and damage to the kidney. In case of people suffering from type 2 diabetes, an increase in the level of Vitamin C can play a significant role in mitigating their glucose intolerance. Thus, Vitamin C has to be included in the list of Diabetes Vitamins.Other key vitamins for diabetes people are Vitamin B6 and Vitamins B12. Thus, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 should also be included in the list of Diabetes Vitamins-Vitamins for Diabetes. It has been found that neuropathy (severe damage to the nervous system) is triggered with abnormally high sugar levels. It has also been found that such diabetic patients have extremely low levels of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. So, regular intake of these vitamins is recommended to all diabetic patients to keep neuropathy at bay.In summary, Vitamins D, C, B6 and B12 should be included in the list of Diabetes Vitamins-Vitamins for Diabetes.


Beware! The 15 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes.

Briefly, I shall explain the main cause for the onset of different types of diabetes diagnosed in our time at this modern age.-Type 1 diabetes is brought about when our pancreas is no longer functioning properly to produce the hormone-insulin which regulates the glucose concentration in our blood by breaking this glucose so that our cells are able to absorb for energy production. Type 1 Diabetes is the most common type of childhood diabetes, which is seen in about 90 percent of the children under 16. Diabetes of this nature is an autoimmune system disorder.-Type 2 diabetes develops when the pancreas can still make some insulin, but not enough(which is known as insulin deficiency) , or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (which is known as insulin resistance ) . This kind is the most common type of diabetes which is usually called adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Insulin deficiency is a condition of malfunctioning of insulin producing cells. Whereas, insulin resistance occurs when there is plenty of insulin made by the pancreas (it is functioning normally and making plenty of insulin) but the cells of the body are resistant to its actions which result in the blood sugar being too high.-Gestational diabetes, sometimes called glucose intolerance pregnancy, affects women who have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy when some women experience temporary high blood sugar levels. It is extremely important for pregnant women to be subjected for checking for gestational diabetes because it can harm the unborn baby and develop into other serious complications due to this abnormal surge in blood sugar concentration.There is one thing in common to the different types of diabetes already mentioned above. It is the signs and symptoms of these diabetes are all related to high glucose levels (hyperglycaemia) , temporarily low glucose levels (hypoglycaemia) , and to complications associated with diabetes which are connected to lipid production, macrovascular (large blood vessel) or microvascular (small blood vessel) damage, and organ damage- for example in kidney (diabetic nephropathy) , nerve(diabetic neuropathy) and eye (diabetic retinopathy) damage and or the slower healing of wounds, cuts and bruises. Unfortunately, these signs and symptoms of diabetes are not always recognizable as being signs of a serious disorder, and are not easy diagnosed. Therefore, it is not surprising that one third of people who have diabetes do not even realize that they have diabetes.The revealed signs and symptoms known of these widespread diabetes-a disease in modern times are listed below:-1) Polydipsia (Unusual thirst) : Due to high blood sugar concentration, a condition which triggers the pulling of fluid from our tissue cells, the feeling of unusual thirst is often experienced.one of the functions of our kidneys is to get rid of this excessive glucose from our system which tends to pull fluid from the tissues. Thus, it leads to unusual thirst.2) Polyuria (Frequent urination) : In relations to polydipsia or rather the excessive glucose in the blood, one of the functions of our kidneys is to bring down this glucose level by excreting in the urine. Thus, a cycle of feeling unusually thirsty and the act of frequently drinking water leads to polyuria-frequent urination.3) Polyphagia (Excessive hunger) : It is caused due to the lack of energy. Because insulin is required to break down glucose so that our cells are able to absorb it as food for our energy.This failure to move the sugar into the cells causes depletion of energy in the organs and muscles. Hence, there is tendency to feel hungry and crave for food.4) Emaciation (Unusual weight loss) :Because the body looses the ability to store the food, this lacking of energy can cause extreme fatigue when our cells are not getting the needed sugar for energy to bring about the level of activities of our organs and muscles.5) Recurring or frequent infections: Signs of poorer body immune system which manifest itself in recurring or frequent infections.6) Blurred vision: The high blood sugar in the body system gives rise to complications such as distortion of the eye lenses and the damage done on the retina. This development could cause blurred vision and in more serious condition which may lead to blindness.7) Abdominal pain: Abdominal pain could be developed and it is also one of those signs of the disease-diabetes.8) Breathing may become rapid and deep: Because of higher blood acidity when the glucose level gets higher, the body tries to rectify the condition which usually leads to the development in breathing problems.9) Irritability or moody or unusual behavior: Sudden swing of mood to become irritable and moody may be an indication of the disease-diabetes.10) Yeast infection: Women with diabetes may develop vaginal infections more often than other women. In cases for young babies and kids who may be having type 1 diabetes, the sign may likely be manifested in severe diaper rash. This condition can be worsen.Some other symptoms which are frequently indicative of diabetes because of complications include the followings:-11) Lower healing capacity of wounds such as cuts and bruises and leaving behind dark gangrene on the skin after eventual healing.12) Skin inflammatory or diabetes dermatitis can cause itching and other skin infections.13) The feeling of numbness or/and tingling in feet or/and hands because of poor blood circulation when the small blood vessels are blocked.14) Rapid heart rate, sweating, and general weakness or fatigue as well as slowed thinking or slurred speech.15) Nausea and vomiting could be exhibited when the acidity of the blood turned high due to ketoacidosis-being a complication brought by the breakdown of fats into fatty acids.As mentioned earlier, these signs and symptoms are linked to the complications developed by diabetes and thus are indicative of the disease only but not definitive.The signs and symptoms of diabetes are slow to progress in most cases and peripheral neuropathy is one of those symptoms that indicate the progress of disease.It has to be reiterated that it can be difficult to recognize based on diabetes symptoms alone. A person can live with the signs and symptoms of diabetes for years before they realize something is wrong. Therefore, beware of these signs and symptoms so that earlier consultation with your healthcare doctors is always advisable.For more diabetes and other related health wellness issues , it is recommended to visit Health-Wellness Blogsas mentioned in the resource box for more information and guidance.


Benefits of Compression Socks for Diabetics.

Diabetes is increasingly becoming a national health problem, with nearly a tenth of the population of the U.S. having diabetes and many more on track to develop it. With this increase in diabetes, products are being developed to help individuals with the side effects, such as compression socks for diabetics.A study by researchers Carol B. Feldman and Ellen D. Davis clearly tells us why a diabetic with neuropathic complications - otherwise known as diabetic foot - should use diabetic socks.Explaining Diabetic FootDiabetic peripheral neuropathy, or neuropathic complication, causes pain in the legs and feet and of diabetics. The most probable cause of this condition is injury to the small blood vessels that supply blood to the nerves. Diabetes damages the immune system, thereby reducing a diabetic's ability to heal injured blood vessels, and tingling foot pain is a part of life for many diabetics.In addition to neuropathic complication, diabetes can cause a clogging of arteries, which makes them hard and unable to adequately supply blood to the legs, feet and other extremities, also resulting in diabetic foot.The Benefits of Diabetic Socks Certain types of socks for diabetics - known as diabetic socks or compression socks - can help reduce symptoms of diabetic feet. Diabetic socks are designed to "fit well, without constricting cuffs, top bands or seams," and use select materials that cushion the feet against injury and retain less moisture.Moisture can lead to bacterial infection, which can, in turn, cause ulcers. Compression socks can be constructed out of special synthetic materials that help reduce the chance of foot ulcers by retaining less moisture than normal socks. In addition to bacteria, normal and minor injuries can cause ulcers in diabetics. Diabetics often have decreased pressure sensations which, in conjunction with a decreased ability to heal, can contribute to ulcers. For this reason, socks for diabetics often have heavily padded cushions to reduce the risk of injury.Shopping for Diabetic SocksHere are some features to look for when shopping for diabetic socks:Advanced and improved moisture control. Moisture can lead to infection and ulcers. A good diabetic sock will be made of a material that has a wicking effect, so moisture is pulled away from the skin. With advances in synthetic materials, ideal diabetic socks should be made of a combination of synthetic fabric and wool or cotton.No constricting cuffs. Diabetic socks should have cuffs and top bands that are not made of constricting elastic material, such as with normal socks. Restrictive cuffs can cause vascular and nerve damage by blocking the flow of blood.Soft, densely padded cushions. Properly cushioned compression socks reduce the chances of blistering and calluses by decreasing vertical pressure on the feet.No pressure points or seams. Socks for diabetics should not have seams, which may create pressure points and contribute to foot injury. Anti-microbial and anti-fungal elements. Certain elements such as spandex and silver fibers are known to help feet "breathe." These materials are ideal for use in socks for diabetics, as they help reduce moisture and the risk of infection.Lightly colored. Some researchers and specialists recommend diabetics wear lightly colored socks, so deformation, skin discoloration and wounds are easily noticed and promptly treated.A comfortable, well fit. Measure your legs before buying compression socks, as whatever socks a diabetic wears should fit well and be comfortable.


What Is The Diabetes Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Is the Difference.

It is important to highlight what diabetes is in general and how it affects the human body.The basic layout of energy production in the human body is based on breaking the food down into glucose,which is basically sugar. These sugars go into cells throughout the body, which they fuel, allowing them to operate and grow.When the system crashes, lead to serious health risks. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 are both causes of system failure.All forms of diabetes revolve around the pancreas and insulin production in the body. Insulin is a chemical, a hormone that is given to the body, which allows the cells to feed on the quantity of sugar to digest food. When insulin is not produced or manufactured in small quantities, in some cases diabetes can occur in the human body. Insulin is a key factor in deciding whether a person becomes diabetic.Type 1 diabetes is a condition that is explained when the body produces insulin whatsoever. This type of diabetes is basically hereditary, and is the most common form of this affliction that affects children from birth or developed at a very young age. Find pancreatic beta cells or never formed correctly or destroyed, which causes the body to become extinct. When the pancreas does not work properly, diabetes occurs.Other varieties of the disease, type 2 diabetes, is brought in later life and is caused by human insulin refusal in the body's cells, the high levels of pigment epithelium deprived factors. This substance, nicknamed PEDF, blocking of insulin in the blood is effective. Type 2 diabetes is more built up in the body insulin resistance. This causes the pancreas to become overworked and, in the end, it will not work at all.While type 2 diabetes is partly inherited, unlike type 1, this condition is also against the people become obese because of poor diet and no exercise. Each of these diseases have the same effects, which include muscle fatigue, tremors, coma, reversible limbs gangrene and even death. However, diabetes is not one of the patient's fault, and 2 diabetes can be directly linked to the person's lifestyle habits.The main difference between diabetes 1 and diabetes 2 is the age at which people develop the disease. While people are getting the disease younger age of child obesity, type 1 really is hereditary, and revolves around the lack of insulin produced. Type 2 is a disease of the body's cells to insulin resistance against the excess fat cells.If you find that you are showing the first signs of diabetes, you should get yourself to the doctor to be tested. You should also recognize that diabetes is treatable and that active prevention can provide a natural cure for diabetes.

A Short Tutorial about Various Diabetic Supplies.

    Diabetic supplies are among the most in need medical supplies in the world. These diabetic supplies are regularly used by people with diabetes, which is a condition where the quantity of glucose in the blood is too high. In reality, managing diabetes is very costly that it is basically a common thing among those with diabetes to wonder where the best place to buy low cost diabetic supplies. Some folks who have insurance may not need to shell out for their diabetic supplies, but they have to prove that the diabetic supplies are needed for their condition. It has been reported that demand for diabetic supplies have reached a very high percentage from the nearly 2,000 people diagnosed with diabetes daily. There is an estimate of 17 million people in the U.S. to have diabetes, while another 16 million with pre-diabetes. Since all types of diabetes are treatable, the need for more diabetic supplies is obviously expected in the next course. Although various diabetic supplies are available, prices are really high. A lot of people are looking for alternatives to low cost diabetic supplies until the trend of buying the supplies online. Many have proven that buying diabetic supplies online can save time and money. They find it very favorable to have their diabetic supplies delivered to their homes.Aside from the convenience brought by online buying, knowing the various diabetic supplies in the market should be taken into account. Reasonable knowledge could be very useful to find the most used and needed diabetic supplies and tools in achieving good diabetes control and everyday self care. Typically, the substantial amount of money a diabetic would spend for diabetic supplies each month depends on the kind of diabetic testing supply required. In its general sense, in order to control glucose, blood sugar levels must be monitored closely at least once a day. The following will help you determine the most used diabetic supplies in the market.Glucose Test StripsThis diabetic supply is a one-time use quick and easy way to test blood sugars.Blood Glucose MonitorsThis diabetic supply is used to examine and read blood glucose levels. Glucose Tablets and GelsThis diabetic supply are administered orally and must always be carried by people with diabetesBlood Pressure MonitorsThis diabetic supply is used to help check the blood pressure level. High blood pressure affects 20-60% of people with diabetes that could lead to complications.Syringes and NeedlesThis diabetic supply is used to inject insulin fluid into the body to keep blood glucose levels from going too high.Lancets and Lancing DeviceThis diabetic supply is used for blood sampling.Diabetic SocksThis diabetic supply is very important to keep your feet clean and healthy.Diabetic ShoesThis diabetic supply is recommended to minimize pain and infection in the feet.There are other diabetic supplies that may be needed for higher diabetic concerns which must be properly determined by a physician. Experts recommend that in buying your diabetic supplies online, deal only with those companies with return addresses and phone numbers to make sure you are buying diabetic supplies from reputable businesses.For more information, visit our webpage at http://www.cashforyourteststrips.com

A rare type of diabetes- diabetes insipidus.

     One of the most rare medical conditions is diabetes insipidus. The immediate cause of this condition is excessive thirst and frequent passage of urine that is very diluted. The condition, diabetes insipidus is cause by a hormone deficiency in your pituitary gland, found at the base of your brain.This hormone that cause diabetes insipidus is the anti diuretic hormone. Its role is to prevent your kidney from excessive production of urine. However, there is also another cause of diabetes insipidus. Your brain may produce this hormone, but it can often happen that your kidneys not respond to this hormone. So as you see, diabetes insipidus is either cause by the lack of the anti diuretic hormone of the un normal response of your kidneys to this hormone.There are also some their causes that can lead to diabetes insipidus: a tumor of your pituitary gland. This is the gland that release the anti diuretic hormone. If you have an injury to your head that somehow damaged this gland as well, the this can also be a cause of diabetes insipidus. Brain tumors, encephalitis, meningitis are also some of the things that may cause diabetes insipidus. Kidney problems or hemorrhage in your head or pituitary gland can also be some of the cause of this type of diabetes. Unfortunately, there are no known ways that can help you prevent this diabetes type.The most common of all diabetes insipidus symptoms is excessive thirst. This is a very difficult symptoms, because this thirst can not actually be satisfied. Another diabetes sign is the passage of excessive quantities of urine, that is also very diluted and has no color. Dehydration is another sign of diabetes insipidus. This can also be more thought of as a result of this particular diabetes type. Low pressure of your blood, an increased heart rate and even shock can be the results of this diabetes symptom. If you thought that the symptoms of diabetes insipidus ended here, you thought wrong! Constipation can also be one of the diabetes insipidus symptoms together with bed wetting. However, this last sign is not that common.Because diabetes insipidus is highly related to the pituitary gland and to your brain, any tumor found in those areas can mean a risk factor in diabetes insipidus. Furthermore, any injury to the head of infection in this area can also be thought as risk factors of this diabetes type.

Diabetes Symptoms and Home Remedies.

Diabetes is characterized by an abnormally high level of blood glucose within the urine. It results from relative lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism and the metabolism of protein and fat. Ancient scholars of Ayurveda knew  Diabetes  Mellitus some 3000 years ago. The association of frequent urination with sweet tasting substance in the urine was first reported in Charaka Samhita, the ancient ayurvedic classic. Risk Factors:Diet rich in fatty substances and fewer activities are the risk factors for  Diabetes . Besides diabetes has been found to be associated with some conditions like• Obesity, hypertension, cholesterol (combined hyperlipidemia), • Metabolic syndrome acromegaly, • Cushing's syndrome and a number of other endocrinological disorders.• Having first degree relatives with diabetes.Symptoms• Increased urination.• Person feels thirsty and hungry most of the time.• Gets tired easily.• Feeling of drowsiness.• General weaknessDiabetes• Take low-calorie, low-fat, alkaline diet of natural foods. • Increase the intake of raw food as it stimulates the pancreas and increases insulin production. • Exercise is important in the treatment of diabetes. Jogging, walking and swimming are recommended. • Take meals at regular intervals of the day. • Avoid fried or sugar rich food. • Avoid starchy food like rice, potatoes etc.Other Remedies• Crush about four to five bitter gourds (karela) and strain the juice through a fine cloth. Take this juice on an empty stomach. • The inner bark of Jamun tree (Indian berry) is also very useful for diabetes. Dry the bark and burn it. This will produce an ash of white colour. This ash should be pestled in the mortar, strained and bottled. Take 15 grams of this ash with water, on an empty stomach in the morning. • Juice of tender mango leaves taken every morning helps in controlling diabetes. • Pestle 6gms of fenugreek seeds(Methi) in mortar and soak them in 250ml of water overnight. In the morning, stir it vigorously and strain though a clean fine cloth. Drink this mixture every morning for a period of 2 months to get rid of diabetes.


A natural way to reverse type 2 diabets with proper diet.

     Diabetes is a growing health problem in the United States and has risen about six-fold since 1950, now affecting approximately 20.8 million Americans. About one-third of those 20.8 million do not know that they have the disease. Reversing type 2 diabetes is a possibility for millions of people with the illness. Healthy organic foods in the right combination enables a natural diabetes treatment to reverse symptoms. Diabetes has become an epidemic that affects one out of every 12 adult New Yorkers, for example. It is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism-the way the body uses digested food for growth and energy. Most of the food people eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. A natural diabetes treatment reduces the blood sugar level through proper eating habits.Diabetes disrupts the normal balance between insulin and glucose. After a meal, carbohydrates usually are broken down into glucose and other simple sugars. You need to keep track closely of your consumption of key foods. There is software to do that. One program is called Diabetes Pilot. It organizes the information you need, whether you're at home or on the go. The mobile versions of Diabetes Pilot works as a team with Diabetes Pilot Desktop - information you enter in one can be transferred to with the other. Diabetes Pilot records glucose measurements, insulin and other medicine, meals, exercise, blood pressure, test results, and other notes. It tracks the carbohydrate, calories, fat, protein, fiber, sodium, cholesterol and other nutrients in the foods that you eat. Diabetes Pilot has an integrated food database with information on thousands of foods, including hundreds of fast foods. It helps you see trends in your blood sugars, medications, diet, and other areas with various reports and graphs. It lets you categorize records by time of day or any other system that you'd like, further helping you to find important patterns. It also allows you to transfer your data further analysis and communication with your health care team.Type 2 diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves and decrease the body's ability to fight infection. You may not notice a foot injury until an infection develops. Diabetes is running rampant in our country. Diabetes can also occur in animals. Most commonly occurs in middle age to older dogs and cats, but occasionally occurs in young animals. When diabetes occurs in young animals, it is often genetic and may occur in related animals. Treatment is based on the severity of the disease. Cats with ketoacidosis require prompt intensive care, which usually includes fluid therapy and short-acting insulin injections. Diabetes is closely associated with severe coronary heart disease and increased risk of heart attack. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by constant high levels of blood glucose (sugar). The human body has to maintain the blood glucose level at a very narrow range, which is done with insulin and glucagon. To reversing diabetes type 2 brings glucose levels back into normal ranges.Diabetes Health cited a study that confirms daily doses of 2,000 mg of absorbic acid improved both fasting blood glucose and HbA1c readings in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes may cause nerve damage in your hands, legs and feet, or eyes. In some cases, diabetes can cause blindness or lead to amputation. Diabetes is a disability when it substantially limits one or more of a person's major life activities. Major life activities are basic activities that an average person can perform with little or no difficulty, such as eating or caring for oneself.Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, meaning that although it can be controlled, it lasts a lifetime. To reverse type 2 diabetes through diet and exercise can be accomplished. Diabetes can cause many short term, long term, acute and chronic complications. By losing weight and following the appropriate diet, type 2 diabetes can be controlled and even reversed leading to a healthy happy lifestyle. A natural diabetes treatment that works.A problem with devastating human, social and economic impact diabetes is a global problem. Today more than 250 million people worldwide are living with diabetes. Reversing diabetes naturally through diet and exercise can alleviate suffering in many cases. Diabetes symptoms may include increased thirst and urination, blurred vision, and fatigue. Being able to live without those symptoms is a significant benefit to a person afflicted with the illness.

A General Overview of Diabetes.

     Diabetes is a disease that is viewed as a group of metabolic conditions. Diabetes, sometimes referred to as Diabetes Mellitus, has four different stage classifications.These stages include the following designations;• Type 1 Diabetes• Type 2 Diabetes• Gestational Diabetes• Pre-DiabeticNow let’s take a closer look at each stage of this diseaseType 1 DiabetesType 1 Diabetes also known by the names insulin-dependent diabetes, ketosis prone diabetes, childhood diabetes, and juvenile diabetes. It should be noted that some of these terms may be outdated. Right now in the US, type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in 5 to 10 % of Americans.Type 1 diabetes is characterized as the body’s inability to produce insulin. When the body does not produce natural insulin this happens because the pancreas, which has what are called beta cells are being destroyed and as this happens, insulin is no longer being produced.Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes is a disease that can be diagnosed throughout someone’s life time, but it usually is diagnosed in young adults and in most often in children. While diabetes knows no boundaries as far as who can have the disease, type 1 diabetes is diagnosed usually more in Caucasians than any other segment of the population including African Americans or Latinos. It should also be noted that the disease is equally spread out between females and males.Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes is characterized as insulin resistance. This resistance combined with the body’s inability to secrete insulin causes our body’s tissues to be less responsive to insulin and is believed to involve our insulin receptors.Type 2 diabetes is prevalent in adults whose ages range from age 50 and older, but it can sometimes be diagnosed in young children. A main cause of the disease is due to obesity and or just being overweight and not doing enough or any type of exercise. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can be very detrimental to a person who has type 2 diabetes.Another factor that is directly related to the lifestyle of the type 2 diabetic is high blood pressure glucose levels. High blood pressure glucose levels, can cause issues with every organ in the body over time and may eventually cause high blood pressure, kidney failure and nerve damage. Fortunately, type 2 diabetes can be controlled through life style adjustments such as exercise, proper medications and diet.Gestational DiabetesDiabetes that occurs in pregnancy is referred to as Gestational Diabetes, it can resolve at birth. There are several risk factors that can account for this occurrence which include the following...• Being pre-diabetic• Having given birth previously to a child weighing 9 pounds or more• Being overweight• Diabetes runs in your family.This form of the disease seems to affect just about all classes of people including Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and African Americans.At an estimated 5 % or higher of American women who have this particular type of diabetes that translates to around 200,000 American women or more. The main reason for Gestational Diabetes is due to women not being able to metabolize glucose properly. In this case the body is able to produce or secrete the proper amounts of insulin, but unfortunately due to the condition known as insulin resistance, the body does not allow the person suffering from this disease to utilize the insulin properly.Pre-DiabeticWhat exactly does it mean to be someone who is a pre-diabetic? Pre-diabetes occurs when a person’s blood sugar ( glucose ) levels are above what are considered to be normal levels, but these levels are not considered to be high enough to be diagnosed as actually having a full blown diabetic condition. Tests that are performed in order to diagnose this condition are a Fasting Plasma Glucose test or FPR for short, or an OGTT which is an Oral Glucose Tolerance test.Both of these tests involve the person to fast overnight and then have the test conducted early in the morning, before a meal is consumed. The OGTT test is performed in two stages; the first test is administered after the person has fasted and then again two hours later, after glucose rich drink is consumed by the patient.Knowing if you’re pre-diabetic gives the person diagnosed positively with the chance to defend against becoming diabetic by changing their lifestyle habits. This will include some things such as weight loss, and diet adjustments Copyright Lew Newmark. Lew was diagnosed with a Vascular disease named Churg Strauss Syndrome in June of 2008. He now lives with this incurable disease each day, and is also pre-diabetic. For more information about CSS and Diabetes visit his blog Lew Newmark: My Domestic Life