Can a diabetic be cured naturally and live a rich life Free from Insulin shots? Yes, by taking one step at a time you can cure diabetes. It isn't a dream anymore! People with diabetes can achieve this freedom!If your physician diagnoses you with diabetes, it is not too late! It is not a life sentence of dull diets and insulin shots anymore! You don't need to despair. You will be able to cure it and lead a healthy life without insulin shots. Or if you are from a family genetically predisposed towards diabetes, you can keep the disease out of your body.You need to follow a simple process to Manage, Control, Reverse and, yes, Cure diabetes. It may seem impossible in the beginning, but with patience you can achieve your goal! Freedom from insulin shots. Remember the famous English proverb: "a stitch in time saves nine". The best approach is to take control and start the healing process immediately.Diabetes Diabetes is a sickness affecting the way the body metabolizes sugar (glucose) caused by a non-functioning pancreas refusing to produce enough insulin to absorb glucose. The rejected glucose is accumulated in the blood and urine and often leads to various complications. It is not a communicable disease, but could be inherited. Millions of people all over the world suffer from this chronic problem. It can lead to a range of complications, disabilities, reduced quality of life, shortened life expectancy, etc.Types of diabetesThe two main types are type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. There are also various other forms of diabetes e.g. gestational, monogenic (hereditary), congenital (genetic defect), etc.The term "type 1 diabetes" has universally replaced several former terms, including childhood-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The immune system of the body attacks and destroys the pancreatic cells, and hence, pancreas can no longer produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not manufacture enough insulin or the cells pay no attention to the insulin. This is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas leading to insulin deficiency. The third type is called gestational diabetes, which is caused by an increased hormone level during pregnancy resulting in complications for the mother and the fetus or newborn baby. It may increase the chances of a caesarean delivery.Insulin affects the function of bodily tissues and without it the liver, fat tissue, etc. will have problems absorbing nutrients. Severe long-term complications in any form of diabetes can result in kidney failure, vascular disease, vision damage, loss of sensation, impotence, gangrene leading to amputation, heart failure, gum disease, loss of teeth, etc.Diabetes in ancient timesDiabetes was a death sentence till the discovery of insulin even though Sushruta (6th century BC Indian sage physician) advised patients to exercise and classified it as Medhumeha, "sweet urine disease", by testing whether ants were attracted to a person's urine and identified it with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Aretaeos of Cappadocia (2nd century AD), celebrated ancient Greek physician, was the first to name the disease 'diabetes', which means a 'siphon' in ancient Greek, as the disease involves the discharge of excessive amounts of urine. He made an attempt to treat it but without success and commented that life with diabetes is short, disgusting and painful. In 1675, Thomas Willis added the word mellitus, from the Latin meaning "honey", a reference to the sweetness of the urine.Origin of insulin shotsThe role of the pancreas in diabetes was discovered by Joseph von Mering and Oskar Minkowski in 1889.It was early 20th century Sir Frederick Grant Banting and his team discovered the role of insulin as an effective treatment and the first patient was successfully treated with insulin injections in 1922. The team received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 and generously donated the patent free to the public and did not control commercial production.Insulin took off and became a life line for diabetics, earning billions in revenue for pharmaceutical companies. November 14, Bantings' birthday, became the World Diabetes Day in his honor.Diabetes treatmentAll forms of diabetes can be controlled and managed.Though a lot of medical research was conducted to find a cure for each type of diabetes, unfortunately, till now they have failed and insulin is the only option to treat all forms of diabetes since it became medically available in 1923.Therefore today diabetics are programmed to be insulin dependent. It does not cure the patient but gives relief as long as you use it. The amount of insulin and the number of times a diabetic needs injections increase as the years progress.Curing diabetes the natural wayThough modern medicine has not found a cure, you can have a natural cure for diabetes with simple ways which will really help you to manage and treat this medical condition.The natural cure for diabetes is focused on the main complication, the root cause of the symptoms, instead of just the symptoms and the body is treated as a whole unit, not an assembly of independent parts. It helps you to make wise choices on a tasty, balanced diet in order to help the body to remove the impurities and strengthen the immune system so that it can fight the disease and destroy it from the root!The process helps you to Control & Cure diabetes by regenerating the tissue cells and restoring the natural functions of the body cells. Thus decreasing your dependency on insulin and attaining your freedom from insulin shots!!!